The origin of public corporations are in the guilds of artisans and merchants Middle Ages, a time when a new social class emerged: the bourgeoisie.
Were aimed at protecting its members from public authorities perform public functions and management of the craft and business of its members. So were the guilds of shoemakers, artisans etc …[:]
Although the concept of guilds clashed with the ideological principles of the French Revolution, mainly the principle of equality and the individualist conception of participation in social life, rather than the concept of participation through partnerships and although they were banned during that time, persist to this day.
In fact, the Spanish Constitution recognizes and establishes that such corporation shall be regulated by law and that its internal structure will be democratic (art. 36 and 52 EC)
Public law corporations are characterized by the following:
1) The public law corporations are created by a rule or by a public authority, which differentiates them from the partnerships.
2) They consist of a defined group of people: its members.
3) The condition of Membership is compulsory by law enforcement based on objective factors which contribute to such persons, as the exercise of an activity or ownership of certain property or rights.
4) This requirement is due to the need to ensure compliance with public purposes attributed to it.
5) You own autonomy, which leads to) have its own internal organization, ie its own election of officers for elections among its members b) autonormación, which is given its own rules c) self-government and self-administration
6) They have given the recognition of a sphere of interests, whose representation is entrusted with the corporations
7) They have an economic system itself, since their incomes are only those of its members
With respect to the kinds of public law corporations, first, are the representative of economic interests, among which are the chambers of agriculture, chambers of commerce, industry and navigation, the fishermen’s associations, communities of irrigators. Secondly corporations are defending professional interests, such as professional associations, which are intended to represent the interests of the profession, roles of particular interest to its members and functions of consultation and collaboration with management.
Thirdly, there are public law corporations that meet societal interests, such as the sports federations ONCE, subscription-required for those interested in participating in sports competitions.