The expropriation system


1 .- Concept of expropriation system

The requisition system is one in which the owner is expropriated and the administration will become the owner of the land and carry out the development, either directly or indirectly.[:]

2 .- Direct management of the system of expropriation system

Direct management of the system will entail the expropriation of the land affected and the recruitment of the urbanization work to a developer.

3 .- Management System indirect expropriation

a) At the request of property developers

It occurs in the course of a prior declaration of default of the owners of their obligation to urbanize in the compensation system.

The initiative will have the following documents

1.-Accreditation of financial solvency and guarantee of 7% of urbanization works

2.-Technical Documentation with urbanization work to do

3 .- Valuation of land

4 .- purchase offer price and payment in cash or kind to the owners

5 .- Phases and periods within which undertakes to perform work that involves the performance

6 .- Further undertakings, such as PPS, or solar maximum price of buildings, and others that benefit the community

Presented in sealed envelopes with the documents 3 to 6

Prior approval and the initiative to notify the owners to submit claims and public exposure.

Establishment of a period of not less than 20 days to present alternatives

b) At the request of the administration

It is not essential to the statement of failure of owners

In this case the administration will present a special conditions with the requirements and documents to be submitted by applicants.

Preferential right will award the owners representing at least 50% of land, equal to the lowest bid, are required to become an entity with legal personality.

-Alejandro 6 de octubre de 2009