The shoreline boundary


To determine the maritime-terrestrial public domain shall be undertaken and approved by the State Administration of appropriate boundaries. In the proceedings will be heard the Autonomous Region and the Municipality concerned, the adjoining owners, upon notification, and others attesting to the status of stakeholders.


The approved boundary, declares the possession and ownership to the State Sunday, leading to the demarcation and without inscriptions from the Land Registry can prevail over state-owned land to the nature of the property boundaries. The resolution to approve the boundary will be sufficient to correct title, registration conflicting legal positions with the demarcation, and for the inmatriculación of public property. Holders of spaces of sea-land area, territorial sea and beach property had been declared by final judicial decision especially before the entry into force of the Law of Costs (July 29, 1988) shall hold a right of occupancy and use of the maritime-terrestrial public domain, for which the corresponding concession should apply within one year from that date. The concession was granted for thirty years, renewable for another thirty, respecting the existing uses and land use, without obligation to pay royalties. On stretches of coast where the remapping practiced the new land will be included within one year to the grant application from the date of approval of the corresponding boundary.


The site of the maritime area or beach land not occupied by the Administration to practice a boundary before the entry into force of the Coastal Act may request, within one year after the entry into force of Law legalization of existing uses.

-Alejandro 1 de agosto de 2010